
Flatout 2
Flatout 2

New Ragdoll events include basketball, baseball and royal flush cards. This small project adds proper widescreen support and options to enable very high resolutions, both missing from vanilla version of the game. FlatOut 2 Resolution Tweak is a mod for FlatOut 2, created by ThirteenAG. The ever-popular Ragdoll mini-games from the original FlatOut game make a welcome return and are better than ever with 12 Ragdoll events, a Ragdoll Championship and full online support. The file FlatOut 2 Resolution Tweak v.24042016 is a modification for FlatOut 2, a (n) racing game. Drivers will need to tear into competitors' cars, trash the local scenery, litter the track with obstacles, while at the same time trying to concentrate on their own race in a bid to cross the line first. With a greater emphasis placed on causing destruction on the track by offering greater rewards, game play will be even more frantic than ever. With more than 5,000 fully destructible objects on every track as well as 40 deformable parts on each vehicle, physical interaction in a racing game is taken to unprecedented heights. Twice as many vehicles, a more sophisticated career mode, additional race environments, double the number of tracks, twice as many mini-games along with brand new and much requested online multiplayer modes are just some of the exhaustive features that are included in FlatOut 2. Twice as many vehicles, a more sophisticated career mode, Featuring an enhanced version of the original's physics engine with even faster driving track designs, FlatOut 2 also boasts numerous improvements, enhancements and additions to make the title the definitive FlatOut experience.

flatout 2

Summary: Featuring an enhanced version of the original's physics engine with even faster driving track designs, FlatOut 2 also boasts numerous improvements, enhancements and additions to make the title the definitive FlatOut experience.

Flatout 2